Shortlisted Charities

Finally, after a long wait, the wet room is due to start next week. I’m planning to have a party to celebrate my first shower at home! It goes without saying how grateful I am for all your help in making it possible.

I cannot tell you how much my son has benefitted from his school, how much he has improved and progressed on all levels. Life hasn’t been easy over the years and materially I can’t give much to my son.

BMA Charities is two charities, BMA Charities Trust Fund and the Dain Fund which help doctors and their dependents in times of financial crisis.

The BMA Charities Trust Fund offers one-off grants for essential items to out of work doctors who are in financial need. Limited grants are available to working doctors. Most of the Fund’s work is with refugee doctors and medical students. The Fund also provides money advice to any doctor who is struggling with debt.

The Dain Fund helps with the education and support of doctors’ children when there are financial problems in the family.

How the charity helps

For example: Individual grants

  • Single grants paid to a third party
  • Payments to Money Advisor

Who can apply

Applicants must either hold a degree in medicine or be studying towards one. They must be able to demonstrate that they are in financial crisis and/or on a low income. Applicants do not have to be BMA members.

Application process

Applications from doctors are accepted all year round. A completed application form and supporting financial documents are required together with the name and address of two referees. Decisions are made by the Trustees when all of the necessary information has been received. Applications for second degree medical students are processed once a year.

For additional information please contact
BMA Charities

Call: 03330 900924