A confidential service for doctors and dentists in England, providing access to mental health support to those who are suffering from mental ill-health, in particular where this condition might affect work.
For 24/7 support in a crisis text NHSPH to 85258
Call: 0300 0303 300 (8am-8pm Monday-Friday, 8am-2pm Saturday)
Email: [email protected]
Provides healthcare professionals working in the London Deanery area (London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex) with emotional support and access to brief or longer term psychotherapy for help with a range of issues including addiction.
Email: [email protected]
Free and confidential mental health support for NHS and and social care staff across Wales.
Call: 0800 058 2738
Email: [email protected]
A selection of open access resources and tools for healthcare professionals to support health and wellbeing.
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://heiw.nhs.wales/support/colleague-health-and-wellbeing
The Health and Social Care Board has migrated to the Department of Health. A list of mental and emotional wellbeing resources can be found on the Health and Social Care website.
Call: 0300 555 0115
Email: [email protected]
The Professional Support Unit aims to provide best practice in supporting and developing postgraduate doctors and dentists in training in Northern Ireland. The PSU endeavours to provide a holistic and collaborative approach in supporting trainees with personal or professional difficulties that may impact on work or training. Providing trainees with careers guidance and supporting career decisions is a major function of the unit.
Call: 028 9536 0224
Email: [email protected]
Support for GPs in their return to work, via the Induction and Returners Scheme and for those GPs who want to maintain their skills whilst unable to commit to full time practice on the GP Retainer Scheme, including GP stories from doctors who have entered the programmes.
Call: 0131 656 3200
Email: [email protected]
A national forum, which seeks to explore and highlight relevant issues and experiences faced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic doctors and medical students in their places of work and study.
Email: [email protected]
An independent law firm established by the British Medical Association, offering expert, cost effective legal advice. Advice about work, such as partnership issues and personal issues, such as divorce. Unlike other law firms we operate on a not-for-profit basis – reinvesting any surpluses back into services for doctors.
Call: 0300 123 2014
Email: [email protected]
Support to help doctors get started in the UK, from questions about immigration to learning and development.
Call: 0300 123 1233
Email: [email protected]
Help with issues such as stress and anxiety, bullying, bereavement, relationship issues, alcohol or substance abuse, depression and isolation. Helpline staffed by professional telephone counsellors who are all members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and bound by strict codes of confidentiality and ethical practice. By seeking constructive and supportive help from the service, you may identify ways of addressing the root causes of your problem, develop strategies to reduce the impact of the consequences and rebuild your self-confidence.
This peer support service runs alongside BMA Counselling giving doctors and medical students in distress or difficulty the choice of speaking in confidence to another doctor. BMA Wellbeing Support Services do not provide diagnoses or treatment, although inevitably any interaction will have a therapeutic aspect.
Call: 0330 123 1245 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Email: [email protected]
The British Doctors’ and Dentists' Group, formed in 1973, is a mutual support society for doctors and dentists who are recovering, or wish to recover, from addiction/dependency on alcohol or other drugs.
Call: 07860 125119
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.bddg.org
A support network and website aimed at chronically ill/disabled doctors, medical students, their colleagues, educators, trainers and anyone else requiring information or support regarding inclusion in the medical professions as a person with a chronic illness or disability.
A service supported by the BMA and RMBF, DocHealth is a confidential psychotherapeutic consultation service for all doctors, which gives doctors an opportunity to explore difficulties, both professional and personal. This service is delivered by consultant medical psychotherapists. Although located in London the service is open to all doctors in the UK. All consultations are currently taking place by video call.
Call: 0207 383 6533 (confidential direct line)
Email: [email protected]
Any doctor, where a complaint has been made to the GMC, can ask for support from the Doctor Support Service. Run by the BMA, the service offers emotional help from fellow doctors and functions independently of the GMC. Support is available from when a complaint is made until the outcome of the case. Doctors unable to talk with family or supportive colleagues may find the service particularly useful.
Call: 0207 383 6707 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.bma.org.uk/advice/work-life-support/your-wellbeing/doctor-support-service
A fully confidential, friendly, self-help group for doctors and medical students with mental health concerns.
Email: [email protected]
A comprehensive online physician health and wellness resource.
Email: [email protected]
Having taken the wellbeing of doctors extremely seriously, particularly those with health concerns, the GMC has developed proposals which it hopes will reduce the inevitable stress on a doctor undergoing investigation.
Online resource includes:
A guide for Doctors referred to the GMC
Health Assessments for Doctors under investigation - what to expect
Email: [email protected]
The only organisation in the UK that unites and represents LGBTQ+ doctors from all over the UK. Membership to anyone who supports the values and constitution that GLADD stands for.
Promotes wellbeing at work, with advice and information on health and safety, stress, sickness absence and more.
Call: 0207 799 6666
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.nhsemployers.org/people/health-and-wellbeing
Provides expert help and advice on medico-legal and ethical matters including handling complaints, claims and GMC cases. It is staffed by a team of medico-legal advisers.
Call: 0800 716 646
Email: [email protected]
Supports members with complaints made by patients against them or who are facing disciplinary matters from their employing trust. A highly qualified team of medical and dental professionals gives advice and guidance.
Call: 0333 043 4444
Email: [email protected]
Provides comprehensive professional indemnity and expert advice to doctors, dentists and health professionals around the world.
Call: 0800 561 9090 (freephone) 0113 241 0200 (local)
Email: [email protected]
The largest organisation of women doctors in the UK welcomes women from all specialties and backgrounds at every stage of their medical career, including those who identify as trans or gender diverse. Networking, support and advice.
Call: 0207 387 7765
Email: [email protected]
A list of wellbeing resources for doctors.
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://rcoa.ac.uk/training-careers/working-anaesthesia/support-wellness
GP wellbeing, help and support for RCGP Members.
Email: [email protected]
Information for doctors in difficulty, such as personal or health problems, difficult working relationships or problems with a certain part of their training programme or clinical practice.
Call: 0207 772 6200
Email: [email protected]
An online resource which aims to shine a spotlight on the mental health and wellbeing of physicians by opening up the conversation about mental health issues and their impact.
Call: 0203 075 1649
Web: https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/mental-health-and-wellbeing-resource
A confidential support and advice telephone helpline to for Members or Associates of the College. It covers addictions, bullying and harassment, career pathway, discrimination, examinations, involvement with the General Medical Council or the National Clinical Assessment Service.
Call: 0208 618 4020
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/members/workforce-wellbeing-hub/psychiatrists-support-service
A series of professional support and development resources covering careers, learning opportunities and tackling workplace bullying.
Web: https://www.rcsed.ac.uk/professional-support-development-resources
Offers a confidential telephone line as a point of personal contact between surgeons which is intended to offer a listening ear and will act as an informed signpost to appropriate sources of advice and support.
Call: 0800 028 0199 (open 24/7)
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/careers-in-surgery/surgeons/practising-as-a-surgeon/support-and-services
Established in 1996 by a group of doctors who were themselves recovering from addictions and were concerned at the lack of effective arrangements for helping others who found themselves in difficulty as a result of alcohol or drug use.
Aims to offer hope to affected colleagues and persuade them that they have an illness which can be treated successfully and to assist them in accessing such treatment.
Call: 0370 444 5163 (24 hours)
Email: [email protected]